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Adrenal Healing Drink: Blender Lemon
Recently I shared that I have Adrenal Fatigue to my friends and family. I was afraid to talk about I suppose because I was afraid of the judgement. Like most things, the only person judging me was me. The truth is that I haven’t given myself enough space and time to process my emotions and take care of myself the way I help to take care of others. I didn’t really grow up with a routine for self care so I had to start navigating it on my own when I realized my ways weren’t working.
I have, since the age of 14, been interesting in alternative medicine, herbs, acupuncture, energy work, and the world of Chinese Medicine. I am part of a group now called the Holistic Healing Academy which, as one of my friends put it, is a collective hive of healers and holistic healing advocates. We have people in the group who are suffering with ailments and others who have overcome things like cancer in their bodies.
Most of all in the Academy we learn to listen to our bodies and to slow down if necessary. That is  a huge part of my journey. With slowing down, we allow space and time to feel uncomfortable feelings. I have been meditating with more earnest effort and for longer. I actually created a meditation to help me process these emotions.  (You can check out the free meditation I created on Insight Timer by clicking here).
A part of me grieves for the woman I was. I still want to be the girl that has a certificate in everything and is always energetic and happy, but I’m not. I’m tired very often now. I feel sad often. Not an indulgent sad, but almost a satisfying sad. It’s a part of me that needed to be acknowledged and touched and I am finally getting cozy with it.
So as I sit with my feelings, I am also taking steps to help my recovery. One of them is this Blender Lemon Drink. I learned about this in the Academy. From my personal experience it has helped my digestion tremendously, helped my skin, and given me an organic energy that hums below the surface. We drink this in the mornings and not past 3pm. It is said to help the gallbladder produce bile because of the sour quality and it is very Yang in nature. The honey and bee pollen gives a complete bioavailable form of Vitamin Bs, turmeric combats inflammation, and pepper helps everything activate. It has helped me a lot in my healing journey and I share it in hopes it can help you. Feel free to reach out to me. When you’re healing it’s important to know you’re not alone.
You can reach out Here.
Adrenal Healing Drink: Blender Lemon
2 organic lemons halved
1 tbsp bee pollen
1 tbsp raw unfiltered honey
1/2 tbsp fennel seeds
1/4 tbsp turmeric
1 tsp black pepper
In a high power blender, blend all ingredients with 16oz of room temperature spring water and enjoy.
Disclaimer: Erin is a Yoga Therapist and Recovery Coach. She in no way prescribes or gives medical advice.
She is an advocate for self-healing arts and recovery methods to empower people with knowledge so they
can heal themselves.

Post Author: thriveyogafit