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How to reduce stress

I am asked often How do I reduce Stress?

Stress is caused by our belief systems making contact with our circumstances.

Repressed and suppressed emotions.

Seek an outlet and use the triggers as an excuse to release the tension.

Then we have stress.

Repressed emotion are hidden unconsciously

Suppressed are done consciously

For example, I can’t deal with this right now, so I’m going to stuff it down. Or hold back my tears, or resist.

I have seen this cause disease in the body, addictions, distorted relationships with ourselves and others.

Then we go seeking outside of ourselves for the next thing to help alleviate our ailments
If we let go of anger and suppressed emotions, our circumstances will stop triggering us.

True love is detached

Without resistance and so much allowing.

If we let go of what’s blocking the space within us we become a vacuum for prosperity and love.

Reach out at

Post Author: thriveyogafit