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I’ve been dealing with way less anxiety
The anxiety was hiding something though
Deep pit of sadness
I feel Incomplete  sometimes
Unless I meditate
Accept and allow

I make it ok.
I have been reaching out to friends more.
I’m still figuring out if this is good or a distraction.
Loneliness was the way I felt when I drank when I was alone.
It’s the feeling I numbed out when I took pills.
It’s the feeling I ran away from.
I’m sitting with it bit by bit now.

When I can’t sit with it any longer, I reach out to a friend or my husband.
Step by step you know?
Pat on the back at practice
So what’s on the other side of loneliness? I mean, when you can sit through it and let it go, process it?

There’s an observance in the Yamas and Niyamas of yoga I’ve always struggled with
Santosha. You know what that translates to?
Being ok with what is.
Letting your self be ok with everything that is, everything you’d otherwise be insecure about.
I have moments where is completely overwhelming, and then I have moments where I find sweetness in it.
It reminds me a little bit of grief. And luckily I’m able to sit with grief.

Click the link or reach out to for more information.


Post Author: thriveyogafit