It’s amazing how certain people come into our lives…
or situations arrive at just the right time. It’s serendipitous and further illustrates just how connected we all are to the universe and each other. Recently, just when I needed it, a situation arose that required all of my mental strength and stamina to the point where for weeks I felt exhausted. I thought to myself, “how can I go on like this?” but I kept going.
Then something miraculous happened. It got easier. It’s like the shell on top broke or that first layer of soil crumpled away for a sprout to come shooting up towards the sun. I felt light. Emotionally, physically, and mentally, and I felt strong. I got through it.
The best part is not the end (though we all love to get there, right?) but the fact that I proved to myself I was so strong and so persistent, that I can accomplish anything. We are so powerful. Our minds are the most advanced, amazing tools ever, yet we rarely tap into them. Imagine if you could learn a way to shift your beliefs, train your mind to focus on what’s important and live a life full of passion and direction. That is what yoga can do for you, when you use all of it.
I’m talking past just the postures. Get into the deep stuff, the stuff that you itch for below the surface if you take enough classes. The nourishment for your soul. That’s what I’m talking about. My students want it, I am ready to give.
So without further ado, I am so excited to present Thrive Yoga & Fitness’s Yoga Immersion Course that starts the end of April. More is posted below, but I hope I have piqued your interest.
You are incredible, now just believe it.